Emotion Code for Dogs

Are you feeling stuck at home because of your dog's constant barking?

It's totally understandable to feel overwhelmed and stressed about the situation. You might also be worried about your neighbours complaining to the local authorities.

It's completely understandable to feel stressed and overwhelmed when your dog's barking is keeping you from leaving home.

However, Your heart melts when you look at your fluffy, lovely friend who simply can't be home alone. This is nobody fault.

You both go through challenging time it's important to find a safe and comfortable solution that works for both of you.

Emotion Code:

Energy Healing for Dogs


South London & Worldwide

Is your Dog reactive towards other dogs and people?

Chew furniture out of anxiety? Traditional training can feel frustrating when the behaviour persists or coming back.

The Emotion Code offers a unique approach. By gently releasing trapped emotions, it helps your dog feel safe and secure, leading to lasting behaviour changes.

Imagine a calmer dog who enjoys walks without lunging or one who finally feels safe enough to relax at home.

Understanding the Link Between Emotions & Behaviour

Bad behaviour in dogs often stems from trapped emotions. Just like humans, dogs can carry emotional baggage that affects their actions and reactions. These emotions can be inherited, picked up during early life stages, or even absorbed from their human companions. When these trapped emotions are released, your dog can become calmer, more obedient, and more relaxed in various situations.

Imagine the relief and joy you would feel if you could come and go as you please without worrying about the arrangements for your furry friend.

No more stress when the dog sitter cancels or concerns about daycare, friends, or other arrangements.

You deserve the freedom and independence to enjoy your life, and your dog deserves the same.

Just imagine the happiness you would feel knowing your dog is relaxed, calm and enjoying their time alone.

This balance at home will bring you peace of mind.

How Emotion Code Works

Emotion Code is a straightforward yet profound method. I connect with your dog's subconscious mind to identify and release trapped emotions. This process involves muscle testing to pinpoint specific emotions and then releasing them through energy-healing techniques. This approach can bring about lasting changes in your dog's behaviour, making it an excellent complement to traditional dog training in Wandsworth and South London.

Why Choose Emotion Code Healing for Your Dog?

  • Holistic Healing: Emotion Code addresses the root causes of behavioural issues, not just the symptoms. This holistic approach ensures more effective and lasting results.
  • Non-Invasive: The process is gentle and non-invasive, making it suitable for all dogs, regardless of their age or health condition.
  • Complementary to Training: Emotion Code works well alongside conventional dog training methods. It enhances the effectiveness of training by removing emotional barriers that may hinder progress. Explore my service pages to learn more about my dog training in South London.
  • Improves Well-being: By releasing trapped emotions, you can improve your dog's overall well-being, leading to a happier, healthier pet.

Teaching dogs can be a great solution, which is why I created a course "Unleash Your Freedom" to help owners like you.

This course goes beyond just Separation Anxiety training and delves deep into the behavioural and emotional aspect, which is crucial for success.

Your emotions play a big role in your actions and reactions, and it's understandable to feel overwhelmed. That's why I'm here to guide you towards achieving your goals and finding freedom with your dog.

My goal in creating this course was to share all of my knowledge and observations from working with clients, as well as diving into a dog's emotions to help you and your dog succeed.

Love, patience, and understanding are key to achieving your goals, but it's important to remember that these things take time.

Emotions are precious and should be treated with care, just like your furry friend. Time may not always be on our side, but with dedication and commitment, success is possible.

We found Agnes by accident and I’m so pleased we did!

After going to multiple trainers with little improvement in Milo’s behaviour, we were looking for someone with a holistic approach.

Agnes has proved to be a miracle worker for Milo!  Her practical training is excellent but she’s combined this with really getting to know Milo as an individual and his fears and triggers.

Her Emotion Code sessions have done wonders for Milo’s anxiety in public spaces. And her practical training tips and advice have helped us improve his and our confidence when walking him.

Forever grateful!

Tamara Matei

Retrieved from: PawsAgnes Google Reviews

Benefits for Dog Owners

For dog owners in Wandsworth and South London, Emotion Code offers a unique opportunity to address challenging behaviours that traditional training methods might not fully resolve. It can help with issues such as separation anxiety, excessive barking, and fear aggression. By improving your dog's emotional state, you also enhance your relationship with them, making your bond stronger and more enjoyable.

Personalised Healing Sessions

My personalised Emotion Code sessions focus on your dog's unique journey. We'll address the emotional root causes behind their behaviour, helping them feel calmer, happier, and more secure at home.

"Unleash Your Freedom"  is your answer 

This course is designed to help you understand your dog on both an emotional and physical level.

  • Five modules and ten lessons, you'll learn step by step what to do (and what not to do) to help your pup succeed. To help you get even more out of the course,
  • There are video tutorials to walk you through the training plans,
  • Summaries to help you remember the most important steps, 
  • Stories from other clients to help you better understand the unique needs of your dog.
  • You'll also find links to important resources for learning about your dog's brain associations.
  • Throughout the course, you'll see real-life training videos with my narration during the training.
  • We'll also discuss what factors can influence your pup's training and offer some helpful advice and games to support their training.

I understand how much your dog means to you, and I am here to help you build a stronger, more harmonious relationship with them.

"Unleash Your Freedom" is your guide to achieving that goal.

The Governing Meridian is a reservoir of energy, connection to all other meridians. What we put into governing meridian, it influences energy flow in the entire body. All at once.

How does Emotion Code work?

You don't need to do anything; I do all the work for you to make you feel better, relaxed, and happier in your life.

The Emotion Code is very straightforward after locating the purpose of our release. So let's say you are afraid of nights or your dog doesn't like black labs (that was my Lexi :))

I have your permission to connect with your subconscious (or with your dog), and I do it through a prayer. I invite you and your soul to guide us to release all trapped emotions related to that challenge.

I ask how severe it is on a scale from 1 to 10 (to establish the baseline).

I get the answers "yes/no" through muscle testing (I ask if it is between 1-5, and when I get the answer "yes," I ask each number until I get a "yes," let's say it is 4).

Afterwards, using the same technique, I ask A/B column (let's say it is A).

Then, I ask odd - no, even - yes (so I know it is the 2nd, 4th, 6th row).

Is it 2 - no, is it 4 - yes?

So we have 4A (look at the table).

Now we ask about each emotion until I get a YES. I still use my muscle testing methods.

When I locate it, let's say "guilt," I release it by swiping 3 times above my head (from the forehead to the back where the main meridian is).

Sometimes, emotions want to speak to us more, and then I can ask about the age, event, if it is inherited, etc.

Once released, it won't come back. That's the beauty of this healing.

We carry on until all emotions are released (between 5-10, sometimes 15).

I always ask about the level after the healing if something is left to release later. So the severity level is 1, and we released 9 emotions.

We can go back to it next week or the week after to finish it.

Emotions are like onion layers; not always do they want to be released at the same time.

What kind of option can you choose?

Animal Healing is available only via email.

Clicking the "Book Now" button will take you to the form, where you can choose the number of sessions and you can explain the challenges with your animal.

 I call you to ask some questions.

After the healing, you will receive an email with the released emotions, and I will check how things are going after a few days.

There might be a case where free-force training will need to take place to teach your dog/animal the new and better approach.

It depends on the needs and situation, and I will guide you through this too.

We have been working with Agnes to help our 2 year old rescue Maltese Bichon cross who had severe separation anxiety and was very nervous outside the home.

We have completed the Separation Anxiety training and some in person training sessions.

Agnes is amazing and really goes above and beyond when working with you. She is so insightful in relation to dog’s feelings and behaviour and can really understand their body language and what they are trying to tell us.

Agnes is positive, encouraging and extremely supportive and we looked forward to her messages and sessions and loved seeing the progress week on week. Agnes is very patient and provides positive reinforcement training also equipping you with training tools and techniques to really from a bond with your dog and help you both live the best life together.

Alongside the Separation Anxiety training Agnes used her holistic approach of Bach remedies and Emotion code to help with our dog’s anxiety and overall confidence, which at times was very challenging. We have seen a huge change in our dog and her happiness, from not wanting to leave the doorstep to now loving playing in the park with other dogs.

It has really been amazing to see the progress and change within our little dog as a result of Agnes’ approach.

Thank you Agnes for your dedication, guidance and endless positivity & encouragement.

We feel well equipped to continue with our training independently knowing that the support is there should we need it and we would highly recommend Agnes for anyone who needs help with their dog or new puppy.

Catherine McMillan

Retrieved from: PawsAgnes Google Reviews

Everything in the Universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies.

Emotion Code Sessions


Via email only*

1 session - £ 40

2 sessions - £70

3 sessions + 1 free-£120

*Send your request by form (inc photo), you will receive a distance sessions and email with the results withing 48-72h

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Sessions are valid for three months from the day of purchases

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Agnes has been amazing for us and our dog.

Our dog has issues with reactivity to other dogs in small spaces and on lead. Agnes used a mixture of emotional code and training and in 3 months we have seen improvements already.

We did the magic mat training and it has really helped her relax when we're out and about.

Really recommend Agnes highly!

Kelly Ameneshoa

Retrieved from: PawsAgnes Google Reviews

What do you do after the Emotion Code?

You do your daily routine and just observe your dog's behavior . You might see your dog calmer and lighter. No reaction to healed trigger.

 That's the most common feedback from my clients.

The trigger became as a non trigger and then the positive and free force training can take place.

Small changes with a HUGE outcome in everyday life.

What kind of questions can you ask?

Animals questions:

  • Is there a trapped emotion causing reactivity to other dogs?
  • Is there a trapped emotion causing fear towards people?
  • Is there a trapped emotion I can release to be able to stay home alone?
  • Is there a trapped emotion I can release to be safe around people?

"Agnes is amazing, she took time to get to know Austin and she has an incredible gift when it comes to dogs and she understands them on a spiritual level.

She recommended emotion Code which I had never heard of and it worked well on Austin. If you have a puppy which might benefit from this I would highly recommend.

Thank you so much Agnes and we hope to see you again soon" 😊

Barry Good

Retrieved from: PawsAgnes Google Reviews

About Me

Nobody can understand you without being there too.

Life takes us through lessons for learning purposes. We learn and teach others, or we don't. I’ve chosen the first option.

I’ve met plenty of dogs, puppies, and their owners over the years, and I've witnessed their pain and hopelessness. Some share the private side of their lives, and I knew I had to help them.

That was the reason I became an Emotion Code Practitioner, to support everyone, because the darkness doesn't need to be your place forever. It’s just a temporary stop before shining.

My mission is to make others' lives happier, lighter, and more successful. Like I did for a client who suffered from insomnia.

Her happiness after being able to sleep through the night was the biggest celebration for me.

Or my other patient who is able to be in a room with the closed door without panic. Now he enjoys that privacy, and the door is closed non-stop.

My dog client who was afraid of doors (we did the Separation Anxiety Training) and now he doesn't worry about the door, and the training progresses each day.

Those moments melt my heart and I just know I am in the right place to help you and hold space for you.

As a Qualified Dog Trainer and Energy Healer, I have the tools to support You and any Animal, to bring the light, trust, and love back into your life.

I know the Emotion Code can be a significant game-changer for everyone. I have witnessed this, and it’s a beautiful experience.

We just need to be open to it and trust the process.

This is Emotional Freedom for Everyone!

A short story about how the life of this young puppy changed...

I was working with a young puppy - providing puppy training, but he showed some resource-guarding behavior. When I took his toys, he jumped and looked at me, but those eyes told me, "I don't know why I do that, but I just have to." I decided to use the Emotion Code before our next lesson, where I planned to teach him the "drop it" cue.

To my surprise, with the speed of the healing (we never know how long it might take to see results), he let me touch his toys without any problems. Although he still had some behavioral habits (which are normal at this stage), his eyes were calm, and I could see that he was making progress. I used positive training methods to teach him a new reaction, and he responded well.

A week later, I asked the owner about the puppy's resource guarding, and we both agreed that it was gone.

This is why I love the Emotion Code; once the negative emotions are released, they never come back, and the light returns to the soul, mind, and body.

"We feel so fortunate to have had Agnes train our dog (and ourselves). He is quite complex as well as being reactive to unfamiliar humans, other dogs and the vet.

Her knowledge and understanding have been absolutely invaluable. Agnes has a positive reinforcement and holistic approach that has had fantastic results in a short space of time.

As well as the reactivity, we have also learnt commands such as sit, stay, down, touch, leave it and watch me.

I have a much deeper understanding of our dogs needs and we could not be more grateful.

I cannot recommend Agnes highly enough and our family will forever be grateful to her." 😊

Becky Emler

Retrieved from: PawsAgnes Google Reviews

The beauty of life is waiting for you; don't waste any more time and book sessions with me now.

If you are not sure and wish to find out more, please fill out the form to arrange a 15 min free discovery call.

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Emotion Code Disclaimer

  • This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment.
  • Information given to you is not intended to be a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please get in touch with your healthcare providers or vet.
  • Energy healing promotes balance within each person's (animal’s) energy system, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal.
  • Energy healing is understood to be a valuable complementary treatment to conventional medical care.
  • Healing sessions are strictly confidential and your personal information will not be shared with anyone.
  • This is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment or doctor’s advice in any way.
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